How can I use the Chess Tiger 14 engine in my Chess Tiger 15 installation ?

This is a known problem for which we made a workaround. Download and follow the following instructions:
Some problems have been reported to run Chess Tiger 14
together with Chess Tiger 15. We have investigated
this and found the reason it is so problematic, is the
naming of the engines. They are all called
chesstiger.dll and tiger.dll. Because of this
windows gets confused as to which dll to load.
In order to run the chesstiger 13 or 14 engine
toghether with Chess Tiger 15 we have made
the following workaround procedure:
Step by step:
1. Download the from the downloads section.
2. Salvage the tiger 14 engine files and book from
a tiger 14 installation. You can either start from
scratch or use another pc to install 14 on. Don't
install it after you have installed CT15. Copy the
following files to a save place:
- chesstiger.dll
- tiger.dll
- chesstigerg.dll
- tiger_g.dll
- ct.tbk
In principle you can now get rid of the tiger 14 install.
3. Install CT15 and check that this works.
4. Create a new directory below the ..engines directory
and call it tiger14.
5. Copy the files from step 1 into that directory.
6. copy the fixct14.exe from the zip file to the same
directory. Open a command prompt and go to that
directory. Run the fixtiger14 program, it will ask your
confirmation, type a uppercase 'Y' and press enter.
The result will be that chesstiger.dll is patched and
renamed to ct14.dll and tiger.dll to ct14e.dll.
7. Now register the engines in their new loctions, either
use the engine wizard to import ct14.dll and chesstigerg.dll
or open a command prompt, goto the tiger14 directory and
give the following commands:
REGSVR32 ct14.dll
REGSVR32 chesstigerg.dll
Thats all.