How can I run ChessPartner with Windows Vista

NOTE: ChessPartner 6 is fully compatible with Vista and Windows 7. This article only applies to ChessPartner 5.x and before. The security model of Windows Vista is drastically changed. In order to install ChessPartner you need to run the setup... read more

How to create personalities in Gandalf 6

With Gandalf 6 update 1 it is possible to create your own personallities, this page gives some step by step instructions on how to do this. First step is to download and install update 1. To download the update, start ChessPartner then from... read more

How to create your own opening books

We often get this question, in this article we provide step by step instruction on how to create and use your own books. There are two basic ways to create your own books Interactive By importing games from a database or pgn... read more

How to create opening books in Ruffian 2

The Ruffian engine can only make use of .BOK format opening books. To create your own book in this format follow the following steps: - First you need to have a PGN file which can act as source of the opening book, e.g mybook.pgn - Then... read more

Uninstalling all trace of Chess Tiger, Gandalf etc.

Sometimes it is desirable to make a new clean install. The standard uninstallers do not fully clean up everything. This article describes a method to completely remove all traces of Chess Tiger, Gandalf, rebel etc. Perform the following... read more

Installing old engines in latest ChessPartner

Very often we got questions such as 'how to use CT14 in the latest ChessPartner' or 'I whish to be able to use all engines in one interface'. This article gives an overview of the various engines/GUI's that have... read more