The chess engine
The chess engine has greatly improved regarding positional understanding of the game of chess, the current version is an even more challenging opponent against strong human chess players. Added many new "Personality" parameters for serious engine tuning, more here...
The interface
The ChessPartner interface has been enhanced with a engine information window which provides detailed information about Rebels internal thinking process.
The engine info window contains 10 information categories accessible through the tabs. In the picture the search information is shown.
Average depth : Rebel will maintain the average depth as long as the program is active.
Search efficiency : Measuring Rebel's search algorithm, in general 90% and up is good, below 90% is not so good.
Ponder efficiency : Measuring Rebel's permanent brain guessing the move of the opponent, in general 50% is just great, 60% and up is regarded as very good./p>
Hash Table Usage : Column one, transpositions found for white in (K)ilobytes, Column 2 is for black, the third column is the percentage of the hash table that is filled.
TimeUsage : Rebel's estimated thinking time, the first column is the minimum time, the second column is the expected time when Rebel will move, very handy!
Positions : Column one, total positions searched so far, Column 2, the average number of positions searched per second also known as NPS (nodes per second).