Installing old engines in latest ChessPartner


Very often we got questions such as 'how to use CT14 in the latest ChessPartner' or 'I whish to be able to use all engines in one interface'.

This article gives an overview of the various engines/GUI's that have been produced by Rebel and Lokasoft and some general methods of how to consolidate all engines in one interface.

Product overview

Date Name Producer Comments
jan2000 RebelTiger Schröder BV This was the first result of the cooperation between Schrö der BV and Lokasoft. The product consisted of the Rebel Tiger engine and the ChessPartner 4.3 GUI. The CD-ROM had as extra the Rebel 10 package. For the installation a keycode was required. The tiger engine was version 12.0
nov2000 Rebel 11 Schröder BV This was the follow up version of RebelTiger. The Rebel 11 was a package of 4 programs. It contained the Rebel Tiger 13 and the Gambit Tiger 1.0. The ChessPartner 5.0 GUI was included.
apr2001 RebelTiger14
Gambit Tiger 2.0
Schröder BV This was a free upgrade of the tiger engines for owners of Rebel 11
oct2001 Gandalf 5.0 Schröder BV New engine from Steen Suurballe and Dan Wullf. This CD-ROM included ChessParner 5.1
jan2002 Gandalf 5.1 Schröder BV Free upgrade for Gandalf 5.0 owners.
oct2002 Chess Tiger 15 Lokasoft In September 2002 Ed Schr�der retired, its activities where taken over by Lokasoft which resulted in the first Lokasoft release of Chess Tiger 15. Included ChessPartner 5.2
mar2003 Deep Sjeng 1.0 Lokasoft New engine from Gian-Carlo Pascutto. This version includes ChessPartner 5.3
may2003 Deep Sjeng 1.5 Lokasoft Free upgrade for 1.0 users
sep2003 Rebel 12 Lokasoft The first windows version of Ed Schroders Rebel engine.
feb2004 Deep Sjeng 1.6 Lokasoft Free upgrade for 1.0/1.5 users
feb2004 Ruffian 2 Lokasoft New engine from Perola Valfridsson
oct2004 Chess Tiger 2004 Lokasoft Updated engine from Christophe Theron
nov2004 Gandalf 6 Lokasoft The long awaited successor of Gandalf 5.1
Some general issues and warnings

Do not uninstall older versions of ChessPartner after you have installed newer versions. This will almost sure give problems in the new version. Generally keeping the installation order as above should be OK.

Be sure to check our support pages for updates. We frequently release small patches to solve problems.

Transferring engines between ChessPartner installations

The Schröder produced products where by default installed under:
c:\Program Files\Rebel\ChessPartnerx.x 
while the Lokasoft programs are under:
c:\Program Files\Lokasoft\ChessPartnerx.x

To transfer the engine from the old installation to the new create a directory below the engines directory in your new installation and copy the files from the list below to the newly created directory. The next step is to use the engine import wizard to register the copied engine in its new location.

Engine Files Comment
Rebel Tiger 14 chesstiger.dll
Import this file for tiger engine
Import this file for gambit engine
Chess Tiger 15 chesstiger.dll
Import this file for tiger engine
Gandalf 5.0 gandalf.dll
Import this file for native G5 engine

Winboard engine

Special issues

Running ChessTiger 14 with ChessTiger 15 engines

There is a issue in running the CT14 engines in a CT15 installation. This has been discussed on our FAQ. A workaround has been made available. Download and follow the instructions inside.

There is a similar issue with tiger 12 and tiger 13. See the RTFAQ