ChessPartner Scripting Model

This documents gives an overview of the scripting object model of ChessPartner 4.3. The VB Script engine from Microsoft is used, for a detailed description of VB Script goto and search for VBSCRIPT

Sample macro scripts

A few sample macro scripts to demonstrate the possibilities. The scripts are kept simple to make them easier to understand.
The analyseepd.lbs script reads a file with EPD positions, analyses each position and write the result into a new file.
The analysedatabase.lbs script demonstrates how to step through games in a database.
The analysegame.lbs script analyses the currently loaded game, when it finds moves different the moves are inserted as variation in the game. Useful as starting point for your own scripts.
The record-live-game.lbs script let you specify a PGN file which is updated after every move played. Can be used as a basis to publish live games on the internet.